Agreement Definition En Ingles

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Agreement Definition en Inglés: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to learning the English language, understanding the concept of agreement is crucial. Agreement refers to the grammatical rules that govern how words work together in a sentence to convey meaning. In English, agreement is usually marked through the use of matching inflectional endings, as well as the use of pronouns and articles.

In this article, we will explore the various types of agreement in English, including subject-verb agreement, noun-pronoun agreement, and adjective-noun agreement. We will also provide examples of each type of agreement and offer tips on how to avoid common errors.

Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is perhaps the most well-known type of agreement in English. It refers to the rule that the verb in a sentence must agree with the subject in terms of person and number. For example, in the sentence «He walks to school,» the subject «he» is third person singular, so the verb «walks» also needs to be third person singular.

However, subject-verb agreement can be tricky when dealing with compound subjects (e.g. «Mary and John are going to the movies») or with subjects that are separated from the verb by other words (e.g. «The book, along with its companion volume, is on the shelf»). In these cases, it is important to identify the true subject(s) of the sentence and make sure the verb agrees with them.

Noun-Pronoun Agreement

Another important type of agreement in English is noun-pronoun agreement. This refers to the rule that pronouns must agree with their antecedents (i.e. the nouns they replace) in terms of gender, number, and person. For example, in the sentence «Sarah saw her friend at the park,» the pronoun «her» agrees with the antecedent «Sarah» in terms of gender, number, and person.

However, errors in noun-pronoun agreement often arise when dealing with gender-neutral or indefinite pronouns (e.g. «everyone,» «someone,» «they»). In these cases, it is important to use context clues to determine the correct agreement.

Adjective-Noun Agreement

Finally, adjective-noun agreement refers to the rule that adjectives must agree with the nouns they describe in terms of number and sometimes gender. For example, in the sentence «The red chairs are comfortable,» the adjective «red» agrees with the plural noun «chairs.»

However, errors in adjective-noun agreement can occur when dealing with irregular nouns (e.g. «child» vs. «children») or with collective nouns (e.g. «team,» «family,» «government»). In these cases, it is important to identify whether the noun is singular or plural and adjust the adjective accordingly.


In conclusion, understanding agreement definition en Inglés is key to mastering the English language. Whether dealing with subject-verb agreement, noun-pronoun agreement, or adjective-noun agreement, it is important to pay close attention to the rules governing how words work together in a sentence. By doing so, you can avoid common errors and communicate more effectively in English.

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