How to Know Uterine Contractions

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As an expectant mother, it is essential to understand the signs of uterine contractions. Uterine contractions are a vital part of labor, and being able to recognize them will help you prepare for the birthing process better. In this article, we will discuss the different types of contractions and how to identify them.

Types of Contractions

There are three types of contractions that occur during pregnancy. These are:

1. Braxton-Hicks Contractions: These are also known as “practice contractions.” They usually occur during the second and third trimesters and are the body’s way of preparing for labor. They are usually not painful and are more irregular than other types of contractions.

2. Prodromal Labor Contractions: These are also known as “false labor” or “pre-labor” contractions. They can be painful and may mimic real labor contractions, leading some women to think they are going into labor. However, they are not usually regular or strong enough to cause the cervix to dilate.

3. Active Labor Contractions: These are the contractions that signify the onset of labor. They are usually regular, strong, and increase in intensity over time. Active labor contractions are what ultimately lead to the delivery of the baby.

Identifying Contractions

Knowing how to identify contractions is crucial to understanding your body’s signals during labor. Here are some common signs that you may be experiencing contractions:

1. Tightening sensation in the abdomen: This is the most common sign of a contraction. You will feel a tightening sensation in your abdomen that may be similar to menstrual cramps.

2. Back pain: Some women experience back pain during contractions, which may feel like a dull ache or a sharp pain.

3. Increased pressure in the pelvic area: As the baby moves down into the birth canal, you may feel increased pressure in your pelvic area.

4. Change in cervical dilation: During active labor, your cervix will begin to dilate. Your healthcare provider will be able to tell you if you are experiencing any changes in cervical dilation.

5. Regularity of contractions: Active labor contractions are usually regular, meaning they occur at regular intervals and increase in intensity over time.


Knowing how to identify uterine contractions is an essential part of preparing for labor. By understanding the different types of contractions and the signs of labor, you will be better equipped to manage the birthing process. If you have any concerns or questions about contractions, please speak with your healthcare provider.

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